Where we go wrong about tithes and offerings Read it. Paypal seems to be working again. Paypal donation to veroyahad @gmail.com
You may use VENMO instead - download the Venmo app from this link. for cell phone only. You may also use the CASH APP. Cash App is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play. Send to $klakster (dollar sign + Klakster). That is the YAHAD account. Or ZELLE. Learn More at this link. Our Email Address for Zelle is veroyahad@gmail.com. If you prefer other EFT Methods, Let us know. We are also available on REMITLY & GPAY. Donations by Check or Money Order. Snail-Mail takes no Administration costs except the Amount of the Stamp. Checks should be Made Out to: "Vero Yahad" And sent to (Address) 1555 14th Ave. Sui 120 Vero Beach, FL 32960
An Important Torah Lesson on Tithes and Offerings, unknown to most. The Workman Deserves His Pay. DID YOU KNOW: According to your Bible, the Tithe is Supposed to Go to the Minister, or the Teacher, or the Priest, and Not the Church. If You Are Edified and Share Your Wealth, You will be Blessed with More. The "Church" is to be Financed by a Tax or Dues. That's the Purpose for the 1/2 SHekel Temple Tax. This Method went out of style with the Advent of the Church! And now, against the Order of Elohim, your ministry Tithe Is going toward that new Church Steeple, to Payroll, to Social Events, to Any Frivolous Purpose the Board of Directors sees Fit While, in Many Cases, Especially in Smaller Ministries and Internet Ministries, the Vessels of the Father are Without. |